AdaptroSim® Structure and Vibration

AdaptroSim® Structure and Vibration solutions are made for the design and analysis of passive measures for vibration reduction. In combination with the solution packages AdaptroSim® Smart Structures semi-active and active systems can be mapped. Specifically, the following options are available in the Structure and Vibration Toolbox:

  • Creation of state space systems representations from system matrices or modal data
  • Identification of system models from measured data (next release)
  • Easy creation of multi-mass oscillators
  • mechanical blocks to model masses (1D, 3D), springs/dampers (1D, 3D) and absorbers
  • Fractional derivatives (next release), approximations to describe fractional transfer functions
  • Providing various tools for analysing systems (frequency response, spectrum, power spectrum, cross power spectrum, power spectral density, waterfall diagram, order cuts, envelopes, MAC comparison)
  • Various types of excitation signals (sine sweep with variable amplitude, internal combustion engine; colored noise, triangle wave, rotating excitation)
  • Calculation of rigid body motions
  • Prediction of the influence of additional masses, springs and absorbers based on measured transfer functions




Following blocks and functions from the AdaptroSim® Structure and Vibration can be used:



SineSweep – Generates a sine sweep excitation signal with parameterisable amplitude and frequency range

idealimpulse – Generates an ideal discrete pulse signal

UnbalancedMassExcitation – Generates a harmonic excitation signal with linearly changing rotation speed

HarmonicOscillator – Generates pairs of two harmonic sinusoidal functions with a phase shift of 90°

TriangleWaveGenerator – Creates a triangle wave signal

CombustionEngine – Generates a multidimensional signal that contains the dynamic moment as well as the static moment signals of a combustion engine

RpmToFrequency – Converts a rotation speed signal into frequency excitation signal


RigidBody1DOF – Corresponds to the mechanical element of a lumped mass with one degree of freedom

RigidBody3DOF – Simulates the translation and very small rotation of a rigid body with three degrees of freedom

RigidBody6DOF – Simulates the translation and very small rotation of a rigid body with six degrees of freedom

StiffnessCoupled3DOF – Simulates the behaviour of a three-dimensional spring damper element

Stiffness1DOF – Simulates the behaviour of an uniaxial non-dimensional spring damper element

Stiffness3DOF – Is a combination of three passive spring damper blocks

VibrationAbsorber1DOF – Eliminates vibrations in mechanical systems with 1DOF

VibrationAbsorber3DOF – Eliminates vibrations in mechanical systems with 3DOF


ElementaryActuator – Describes the basic characteristics of an actuators

VoiceCoilTransducer – Describes the linear and time-invariant dynamic behavior of a voice-coil transducer with constant parameters

PiezoElectricTransducer – Describes the dynamic behavior of a piezo-electric stack actuator with constant parameters

Common Simulink® blocks


AccelerationSensor – Implements a simple acceleration sensor

DisplacementSensor – Implements a simple displacement sensor

ForceSensor – Implements a simple force sensor

VelocitySensor – Implements a simple velocity sensor




ma_premod class

ma_premod.testStructure – Object creation for the calculation of a structural influence estimate

ma_premod.modification – Creates a modification object, that contains a modification admittance

ma_premod.premod – Creates a premod object, that contains a prediction for a structural modification

ma_psd class

ma_psd – Calculation of a power spectral density

ma_mosys class

ma_mosys – Class for working with mass 1DOF oscillating systems

moras class

moras.MatFirstOrder – Is a container class for storing matrices of a first order system

moras.MatSecondOrder – Is a container class for storing matrices of a second order system

moras.MorData – Is a container class for storing matrices, for usage within MORAS

moras.MorInit – Is the main function of MORAS, it analyzes the provided information and computes a reduced system

moras.MorParameter – Is a container class for information concerning to the reduction process of MORAS

ma_vmet package

ma_vmet_CSA – Function that calculates the Geers CSA error measure

ma_vmet_CSAC – Function which calculates the cross signature assurance criterion (CSAC)

ma_vmet_CSSF – Function which calculates the cross signature scale factor (CSSF)

ma_vmet_FDAC – Function which calculates the frequency domain assurance criterion (FDAC)

ma_vmet_FRAC – Function which calculates the frequency response assurance criterion (FRAC)

ma_vmet_Fraunhofer – Function which calculates the Fraunhofer error

ma_vmet_FRFRMS – Function which calculates the frequency response function root mean square (FRFRMS) error

ma_vmet_FRFSM – Function which calculates the frequency response function similarity metric (FRFSM)

ma_vmet_Geers – Function that calculates the Geers error measure

ma_vmet_RMS – Function that calculates the RMS error factor

ma_vmet_Russell – Function that calculates the Russell error measure

ma_vmet_SG – Function that calculates the Sprague & Geers error measure

ma_vmet_Theil – Function that calculates Theil’s inequality Coefficient

ma_vmet_Whang – Function that calculates Whang’s Inequality Index

ma_vmet_WiFac – Function that calculates the weighted integrated factor

ma_vmet_Zilliacus – Function that calculates the Zilliacus error index


ma_calc_colorednoise – Calculates the coloured noise from the power spectral density (PSD) of a signal

ma_mosys_get_ss – Creates a state-space model of a 1DOF oscillating system

ma_fractional_tf – Creates transfer functions with arbitrary constant phase

ma_crosspowerspectrum – Returns the cross power spectrum of time domain data

ma_powerspectrum – Returns the power spectrum of time domain

ma_frequency_response – Returns the Bode frequency response of time domain data

ma_spectrum – Returns the frequency spectrum of time domain data

ma_spectrumsweep – Returns the frequency spectrum from the time domain data of a linear sine sweep excitation

ma_waterfall – Displays measured data and creates the Campbell diagram of it

ma_waterfall_console – GUI for displaying measured data and creating its Campbell diagram

ma_ordercut – Calculates order cuts from time-domain data

ma_envelope – Calculates the envelope of a signal

ma_rigidtrans – Calculates the rigid body motion derived from measured acceleration data

ma_plot_mac – Calculates and plots the modal assurance criterion (MAC)

ma_get_mac – Imports modal data sets from ASCII and determines the MAC

ma_ans2matlab – Imports reduced matrices from ANSYS

ma_fft_av – Calculates the average spectrum of a FFT

ma_getSoundRadiation – Returns the sound radiation, emitted by an excited structure, to a specific region

ma_spm2ss – Imports state-space model data files from Ansys to Matlab

Plug-in for Ansys

cms_wizard – Wizard for generating reduced models within ANSYS Workbench Mechanical

Common Matlab® functions

ma_read_tra_file – Imports data and header information from .TRA-files

ma_import_fft_analyser_data – Imports data table and header from ASCII

ma_fft_analyser_frf_plot – Returns the FRF, recorded by an FFT-analyser

ma_common package

ma_common.Channel – Represents a data channel (i.e. sensor) transporting system information

ma_common.ContinousTimeStateSpace – Represents a continuous-time state-space model

ma_common.DiscreteTimeStateSpace – Represents a discrete-time state-space model

ma_common.ElementaryActuator – Creates the state-space system of an ElementaryActuator (see also: Simulink block ElementaryActuator)

ma_common.Frf – Abstract interface definition, defining frequency response function of a linear-time-invariant system

ma_common.GenericSignal – Represents a signal with its channels and units of the abscissa and ordinate

ma_common.GenericFrf – Represents the frequency response function of a system

ma_common.Geometry – Class definition for a geometry consisting of nodes and edges

ma_common.ModalSystem – Represents system dynamics described by means of modal vectors, modal frequencies and modal damping

ma_common.Node – Represents a node in a Cartesian coordinate system by its x-, y- and z-coordinates

ma_common.PiezoelectricTransducer – Creates the state-space system of an PiezoelectricTransducer (see also: Simulink block PiezoelectricTransducer )

ma_common.RCShuntDetailed – Creates the state-space system of an RCShuntDetailed (see also: Simulink block RCShuntDetailed )

ma_common.RCShuntIdeal – Creates the state-space system of an RCShuntIdeal (see also: Simulink block RCShuntIdeal )

ma_common.RigidBody1DOF – Creates the state-space system of an RigidBody1DOF (see also: Simulink block RigidBody1DOF )

ma_common.RigidBody3DOF – Creates the state-space system of an RigidBody3DOF (see also: Simulink block RigidBody3DOF )

ma_common.RigidBody6DOF – Creates the state-space system of an RigidBody6DOF (see also: Simulink block RigidBody6DOF )

ma_common.RLCShuntDetailed – Creates the state-space system of an RLCShuntDetailed (see also: Simulink block RLCShuntDetailed)

ma_common.RLCShuntIdeal – Creates the state-space system of an RLCShuntIdeal (see also: Simulink block RLCShuntIdeal)

ma_common.RLShuntIdeal –Creates the state-space system of an RLShuntIdeal (see also: Simulink block RLShuntIdeal)

ma_common.SecondOrderSystem – Describes a second order system using a second order linear differential equation

ma_common.Signal – Signal data container with channels that share a common abscissa

ma_common.StateSpace – Represents the time-domain state-space model of a system

ma_common.Stiffness1DOF – Creates the state-space system of an Stiffness1DOF (see also: Simulink block Stiffness1DOF)

ma_common.Stiffness3DOF – Creates the state-space system of an Stiffness3DOF (see also: Simulink block Stiffness3DOF)

ma_common.System – Represents a system with its input- and output-channels

ma_common.Unit – Represents units by exponents and factors

ma_common.VibrationAbsorber1DOF – Creates the state-space system of an VibrationAbsorber1DOF (see also: Simulink block VibrationAbsorber1DOF)

ma_common.VoiceCoilTransducer – Creates the state-space system of an VoiceCoilTransducer (see also: Simulink block VoiceCoilTransducer)

Compatibility Consideration

System requirements: AdaptroSim requires a Windows 64bit environment, a working copy of Matlab 2014b or later installed and you have a C compiler setup via mex -setup c command as described here

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